Are your employees spending more time focusing on team interpersonal challenges than on your customers' needs and growing the business?
Are you spending too much time and effort dealing with drama?
Do you find yourself spending too much time putting out fires between your employees?

Many executives, general managers, and HR professionals like yourself are currently struggling with the same battles. In fact, in the last 30+ years of working with companies, executives have said to me, Lee...
Our company's gossip mill is running wild
My teams are falling apart and I'm overworked
Management doesn't seem to have a clue what's going on
Poor team morale is causing the loss of quality employees
Our working environment has become a drain for everyone
Negativity at our office has become the norm. It's like a virus
Productivity is suffering because of ineffective team behaviors
An attitude of "I'm right, you're wrong" permeates our work space
Employees continue to look for what's wrong rather than what's right
Don’t feel bad. You are not alone. It happens in every industry.

And here are the reasons why: 1) People don't normally understand how their communication style impacts others and 2) Respecting people’s differences in how we naturally tend to communicate can be difficult.

If the hardship of managing employee drama has driven you to find a solution, I suspect you've turned to people you trust, only to find out that they were unable to solve your problems.
In your desperation, you may have implemented other training programs. But when they didn't deliver long lasting behavioral change, you found yourself back at square one. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Imagine a workplace where your team members are...

Willing to jump through hoops to help each other.
Sharing ideas with management for increased productivity.
Expressing more creativity and having fun!
More productive and increasing the company's profitability.
Offering to mentor newer team members.
Positive and supportive of each other.
Focused on can do instead of can’t do.
Communicating openly, positively & in a timely fashion.
The solution exists. It's called

What's EVERYTHING DiSC®? People tend to think of it as a
"4 Personality Types Test"
that identifies each person's communication preferences. Here's what it really is...
EVERYTHING DiSC® provides a nonjudgmental language for exploring behavioral styles across four primary dimensions:

Direct and Decisive. D's like to take action and focus on results.

Optimistic and Outgoing. i's like to share ideas, participate and motivate.

Concerned and cooperative. S's are loyal, helpful, and like consistency.

Concerned and Correct. C's like systematic approaches, accuracy and quality
EVERYTHING DiSC has solutions for your workforce
Everything DiSC Productive Conflict

Designed to help learners curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace results and relationships.
Everything DiSC
Work of Leaders®

The Work of Leaders made simple: Vision, Alignment, and Execution. Based on best practices, Work of Leaders connects to real-world demands, generating powerful conversations that provide a clear path for action.
Everything DiSC

Can be used with everyone in an organization, regardless of title or role, to build more effective relationships, and improve the quality of the workplace.
Everything DiSC

Teaches managers how to bring out the best in each employee. They learn how to read employee styles and adapt their own styles to manage more effectively.
Everything DiSC

Helps salespeople connect better with their customers by understanding their DiSC sales style, understanding their customers’ buying styles, and adapting
their sales style to meet their customers’ buying styles.
Why Lee?

As an EVERYTHING DiSC Authorized partner, I have worked with hundreds of companies over the past 30 years that struggle due to differences in communication styles. The DiSC profile made the difference!
I've also worked with many disruptive or negative employees and find them time drainers and de-motivators. Eliminating these time consuming frustrations benefits management as well as the team. DiSC training makes a huge difference because it allows you to save time and energy. Time is money.
A Story of Success
To illustrate my point, I once worked with a successful business owner for a chain of hotels. He was frustrated and disappointed because he and his partner could never see eye to eye on anything.
Every business discussion ended in a battle.
They were unable to manage themselves as well as their entire company team.
Their behaviors were stifling their business growth and success.
They actually liked each other and wanted to make it work.
They just couldn’t communicate together.
After completing a DiSC Management Profile they were able to see their DiSC communication styles were both very strong and total opposite. Working together and learning how to better understand their differences and work toward being a cohesive team turned everything around. They became DiSC believers and brought DiSC into their management structure.
That was over 20 years ago and they still order DiSC profiles for their management team today. In addition, they have become highly successful.
Together we will build teams that are jumping with joy to come to work and interact with their team members to better serve your customers and help grow the business.
"The DiSC training and experience that I had with Lee Knapp propelled me to a totally different level. I learned to recognize and tame my “high D” to improve my communication with colleagues, patients and even my own family! This has transformed my personal and professional life and led to countless successes. I am incredibly grateful for the practical guidance and insights that DiSC and Lee Knapp taught me." ~ Dr. H. G., Boston, MA
"The Chamber staff found the DiSC profile personally and professionally compelling. The team felt inspired and empowered to go forward with a quiver of diversified communication tools. The staff is still buzzing ." ~ Christine – Executive Director
"Lee has been working with us in the areas of recruiting and agency development for 5 years. Her enthusiasm and knowledge has been invaluable. The DISC Profile has helped us take our teams to new levels and grow the business. The results have been dramatic!" ~M.S, CEO, Financial Services
"The County Sheriff's Office has used the DISC profile in developing leadership and idea development teams. We have successfully integrated personnel from various components and levels of expertise into effective teams and implemented many of the programs developed. The DISC instrument has been on-target regarding both self-assessments and those of co-workers / supervisors. Our personnel continue to use it as a learning tool for themselves." ~D.B. Operations Commander, Sheriff’s Dept.
"The DiSC Program has been such a useful tool within our company at all levels. Our executive and management staff used the DiSC information in our year-end review process. It is a great management tool as well as a great team-building program. Thank you for introducing this to our company." ~Kerry, SVP, Parker Development
"Lee's 'refuse to fail' attitude is contagious. Her ability to present a workshop and truly understand how to use the information is exceptional. The DISC workshop has helped me and our entire team both personally and professionally. We are actually respecting each other differently." ~Andreason, VP, St. Joseph Hospital